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                            GRADING SCALE

The current grading scale used in the regular classroom is as follows:

                              A 100-97             C 83-75

                              A- 96-94             C- 74-73

                              B+ 93-92             D+ 72-71

                              B 91-88               D 70-67

                              B- 87-86              D- 66-65

                              C+ 85-84             F 64-0


Those children who participate in our Learning Disabilities program may be placed on the following modified grading scale:

                              A 100-95              C 75-74

                              A- 94-90              C- 73-70

                              B+ 89-86              D+ 69-66

                              B 85-84               D 65-64

                              B- 83-80              D- 63-60

                              C+ 79-76              F 59-0

Homework/Incomplete work


All classwork not finished during the day and any assigned homework are due by 8 am the following morning.  Late and incomplete work will receive reduced points, a “Dog Ate It” form will be sent home, and recess detention assigned.  The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to school the next day.  Three or more missing assignments will receive a formal discipline form, after-school detention and require a conference with a parent.

If you are absent:


1.  Try to arrange for someone to pick up your      

      assignments from the school office the day of

      your absence.

2.  Try to complete as much as you can before arriving

      back to school.

3.  If you have questions, arrange to come to school

     early to get help and catch up on your work

     in the Falcon's Nest located in the 7th grade

     classroom from 7:40 - 7:55 am.

4.  You will have the same number of days to turn in

     your work without a penalty equal to the number of

     days you were absent.


                            Class Reward System

In our classroom we have two sets of letters that are on our and spell "RADIO" and "MOVIE". The letters have a white side and a red side. If the red side is showing, it means the students have earned that letter; if the white side is showing, it means that our class has lost the letter or not earned it yet.



When all letters of movie are red, students have earned a movie party the following week. They are allowed to bring snack and a school appropriate movie (PG ratings) to watch at the end of the day.


                              Loss of Privileges

Individual students can lose movie party privileges by a three strike system. Any of the following in any combination can cause students to lose their privilege: dog-ate it forms, behavior detentions, visits to the principal office, ISS, etc. Two strikes and students lose 20 minutes of the movie party. Three strikes and students lose the entire movie party.


                          Earning Privileges Back

All hope is not lost though; individual students can earn their privilege back by giving their time and effort back to the school or community. A plan of what they are going to do, how many strikes they think it is work, the length of time it will take to complete, and when they are going to complete the service project. I will then review the plan to evaluate whether the project meets the number of strikes earning back and appropriateness.


Classroom Behaviors

1. Be polite

2. Work quietly unless the teacher has allowed for group work

3. Listen courteously when others are    


4. Be friendly to classmates and teachers

5. Be truthful and honest

6. Respect teachers and other adults

7. Be prepared for class

8. Arrive at class on time

9. Do your best

10. Homework folder should be taken home every Friday and returned on Monday with a parent signature and any forms/lunch money.



1st offense: warning

2nd offense: lose 10 minutes of recess

3rd offense: lose full recess and note


4th offense: lose a week of recess and phone call home

Anti-Bullying Expectations


1.  Students and teachers will not bully


2.  Students and teachers will try to help

        people who are bullied.

3.  Students and Teachers will include

       others in activities.

4.  Students will tell an adult if someone is

        being bullied.

Contact Info:


1016 State Hwy A, Benton, MO  63736   573.545.3357

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